Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

Tugas 5 Softskill English2# (Daftar kata kerja)

Nama   : Ponco aji pangetu
Kelas   :1EA32
Npm    :18214458

 (Daftar kata kerja yg di ikuti Infinitive “To” dan “Gerund/Ing”)

(Daftar kerja yg di ikuti Infinitive “To”)

Aftore             Agree              Appear
Beg                 Begin               Care
Decide            Demand          Deserve
Iniend             Know how      Learn
Mean              Need               Negieet
Prepared         Pretend            Promise
Steam             Start                Stop
Threaten         Try                   Volunteer
Arrange          Ask                  Attempt
Choose           Claim               Consent
Desire             Expect             Fuil
Hate                Hestitate          Hope
Like                Love                Manage
Otter               Plain                Prefer
Refuse             Regred            Remember
Struggle          Swear              Tend
Wait                Waint              Wish

 ( Daftar kata kerja yang di ikuti gerund/ing)

Admit             Advise             Antiapate
Begin              Can’t help       Complete
Discuss           Disll                 Enjoy
Hate                Hestination      Imagine
Love               Mention           Mind
Practic            Prefer              Quit
Regret             Remember       Resent
Stop                Suggest           Threaten
Appriciate       Attenpt             Aroid
Consider         Delay               Deny
Finish              Forget              Go
Intend             Keep                Like
Miss                Negiech           Post Pone
Recall             Risk                 Recommend
Resist              Try                   Start
To lerate                                 Understad

Kalimat dari daftar kata kerja yg diikuti “To”

 ·         Everybody has agreed to meet again next week.
              (Tiap orang telah setuju untuk bertemu kembali minggu depan).
              Agreed – kata kerja

·         Our government decided to lower the gasoline price.
(Pemerintah kita memutuskan untuk menurunkan harga bensin).
Decided – Kata kerja

Kalimat dari daftar kata kerja yg diikuti “Gerund/ing”

            She admitted stealing the car.
              (Dia mengaku mencuri mobil)
              Admitted - kata
              Stealing – Kata kerja 
                             He imagines working there one day  
              (Dia berimajinasi bekerja di sana satu hari.)
          Imagine – Kata
           Working –Kata kerja

Minggu, 12 April 2015

Tugas 4 Softskill English 2# (Story)

Ponco aji pangestu

The story of the film 5cm

Genesis end of 2008 it happen again. Where once I hit syndrome Warriors PelanginyaIkal, Arai and friends up to 5 times watching it. Now, at the end of 2012 I kenasyndrome his 5cm Zafran, Riani, Genta, Arial and Ian. And my habit when again like at the movies or novels are looking for information, news news, references, reviews and other related and discuss the movie or novel. Happy wrote tastes read the writings of others with a variety of writing styles and opinions. There are those that give a flattering criticism.
Their right is actually created shed opinions, thoughts and hearts content, but sometimes sucks too if anyone give criticism without looking at the positive things that exist on the other side. Just as in the film these 5cm. When I read the reviews are positive, attractive and build, I will smile and laugh. But when there are reviews that are cornered, so join me upset. "Hello, little hargain why? Rarely there hloh Indonesian films are categorized as 'normal' or not use scenes, the mystery is not clear, sex or violence. Plus many stunning natural scenery shown in our Indonesia who may not have had the opportunity to see it in person "... ..mungkin their .Sabar perfectionist category hehe.
And if you saw the movie 5cm who explored the landscape of Indonesia, I remembered one of the Korean movie I've ever seen, the title "Haru: An Unforgettable Day In Korea" because the film explore the natural beauty of Korea, ranging from rice paddies in rural, island, until skyscraper buildings. The story of how? Please if interested andasearching and watch yourself hehehhehe. Return to movie 5 cm. Of the incoming criticism, some derived from nature lovers. Okey, I really have never climbed a mountain before, but my friends who have already done a lot and from their stories, it is true that this film makes an impression that mountain climbing look easy, even for the mountain that he was level 8 (Mahameru), The film is being dropped to the level 2 rating (he says). From here I took conclusion, oohh maybe they want more realsesuai what ever they feel. I was finally nodded, feeling somewhat understand the feelings of the lovers of nature and their disappointment (knowledgeably really yes I?). But yes please, go back to the beginning of the right of each person to judge a work of origin is not unheard of and do not cross the limits of reasonableness.
So now I want to discuss the film alone, plus side that makes me watch more than once (for Indonesian films is a feat! Because I do not carelessly watching local movies in theaters: P. Instead of nothing, just trauma wrote hehehehe). And if I've previously discussed between the novel and the film, now I want to talk about her love story. Ahem! The love story does not become the main in this film, but in my opinion, what is raised well done (not all of them anyway). If you are already watching this movie, the ending definitely know how? With so many of my friends are already watching, some are disappointed because of a twist ending (if I've not surprised because in the novel as well so). First time watching, I listened to the whole story at once clue-clue is in the film including the spectacular scenery that must be enjoyed! The second time I was more focused on the clue-cluenya (natural scenery does tetep) and the third one, I'm getting so observers acting aka mengamatigesture-gesture players that sometimes eluded hehehhee.
My friends who protest that says, "why does the Riani ended up the same and not the same Zafran Genta? The pity of the Genta? >. <". If you want I can answer simple, "if you do not match where the" or "in the novel so, so yes ngikutin wrote his novel, who wrote the script together like that to write his novel." But I'm sure the answer was not enough to satisfy them and even make me ditimpukin chips or snacks like Ian on the train. So I describe my observations.

Sumber :

Sabtu, 11 April 2015

Tugas 3 Softskill English# (Preposition)

Ponco aji pangestu

The Preposition

Prepositions are the words that indicate location. Usually, prepositions show this location in the physical world. Check out the three examples below:

The puppy is on the floor.
The puppy is in the trash can.
The puppy is beside the phone.

On, in, and beside are all prepositions. They are showing where the puppy is. Prepositions can also show location in time. Read the next three examples:
At midnight, Jill craved mashed potatoes with grape jelly.
In the spring, I always vow to plant tomatoes but end up buying them at the supermarket.
During the marathon, Iggy's legs complained with sharp pains shooting up his thighs.
At midnight, in the spring, and during the marathon all show location in time.
Because there are so many possible locations, there are quite a few prepositions. Below is the complete list.
according to
along with
apart from
as for
because of
by means of
except for
in addition to
in back of
in case of
in front of
in place of
in spite of
instead of
on top of
out of
up to

* But is very seldom a preposition. When it is used as a preposition, but means the same as except—Everyone ate frog legs but Jamie. But usually functions as a coordinating conjunction.

Understand how to form a prepositional phrase.
Prepositions generally introduce prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases look like this:
Preposition + Optional Modifier(s) + Noun, Pronoun, or Gerund
Here are some examples:
At school
At = preposition; school = noun.
According to us
According to = preposition; us = pronoun.
By chewing
By = preposition; chewing = gerund.
Under the stove
Under = preposition; the = modifier; stove = noun.
In the crumb-filled, rumpled sheets
In = preposition; the, crumb-filled, rumpled = modifiers; sheets = noun.

Realize that some prepositions also function as subordinate conjunctions.
Some prepositions also function as subordinate conjunctions. These prepositions are after, as, before, since, and until. A subordinate conjunction will have both a subject and a verb following it, forming a subordinate clause.
Look at these examples:
After Sam and Esmerelda kissed goodnight
After = subordinate conjunction; Sam, Esmerelda = subjects; kissed = verb.
As Jerome buckled on the parachute
As = subordinate conjunction; Jerome = subject; buckled = verb.
Before I eat these frog legs
Before = subordinate conjunction; I = subject; eat = verb.
Since we have enjoyed the squid eyeball stew
Since = subordinate conjunction; we = subject; have enjoyed = verb.
Until your hiccups stop
Until = subordinate conjunction; hiccups = subject; stop = verb.
If you find a noun [with or without modifiers] following one of these five prepositions, then all you have is a prepositional phrase. Look at these examples:
After the killer calculus test
After = preposition; the, killer, calculus = modifiers; test = noun.
As a good parent
As = preposition; a, good = modifiers; parent = noun.
Before dinner
Before = preposition; dinner = noun.
Since the breakup
Since = preposition; the = modifier; breakup = noun.
Until midnight
Until = preposition; midnight = noun.

Sumber :

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Tugas Softskill English 2 (Story)

Nama : Ponco aji pangestu
Kelas : 1EA32
NPM : 18214458

Two years ago, I went to Yogyakarta for my vacation with my grandma. The trip was started in 07.00 p.m. from Malang, and fortunately we come early, for about at 08.30 a.m. at Yogyakarta.
Many great places and destinations were there. We can see a famous temple, such as Prambanan temple. We can go shopping there, and many other wonderful destinations.
The first destination I had with my grandma is Prambanan temple. It was a great temple. My grandma and I were taking many pictures there. We can see the sun rose up behind the temple in the morning.
After we went to Prambanan temple, we went to Beringharjo market. My grandma bought many clothes for me, our family and also for herself, it called Batik. That’s really awesome! After we had enough to buy many clothes, we went to town square, called Alun-Alun with pedicab or usually called becak.
But firstly we went to Malioboro, the main street and the most famous place in Yogyakarta. Oh God, that was really crowded! We were almost can’t to move. There were many traditional restaurants, but usually called Angkringan, Lesehan, and so on.
We also went the Vredeburg bunker, many great things there. We can take a picture; we can buy a painting, buy many souvenirs and also buy many delicious street foods. Near the bunker, there is the Supersemar Monument. It was great! In front of the monument, there were many people. They were siting, talked about something and did the other work.
The last destination is Yogyakarta’s Kasultanan Palace. It was built on the wide land near the town square. The architecture was amazing. In front of Yogyakarta’s Kasultanan Palace, I bought many souvenirs. I bought that for my friends. My grandma bought an awesome Batik with the great motif.
Finally, my grandma and I go back home after we had a fantastic pleasure in Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta was very great place to have a vacation and a bit of relax. I really charmed when I went to the awesome destination in Yogyakarta.

Tugas Softskill English 1 (Determiner and Article)

Nama : Ponco aji pangestu
Kelas : 1EA32
NPM : 18214458

Definition of Determiner        :
Determiner is a word or group of words
that are placed in front of the noun to restrict the meaning of the noun. In traditional grammar, often
called the limiting adjective determiner, although different from the usual meaning of the adjective.
If both are in the noun phrase, limiting adjective would be in front of the usual adjective. Determiner
consists of the article, quantifier, possessive, and demonstrative determiner.

Function of Determiner          :
One of the greatest determiner function is to clarify the presence of a noun. For example, there is a
sentence: I work in school (I work at school). Without determiner, then there is no clarity in the
school where he worked. However, if he is added I work in this school (I worked at this school). It is
clear that he worked at this school.

In the Indonesian language, we also find determiner. In Indonesian, there is the word "a" as the
determiner of the most frequently used.

Examples of words with the determiner in front of him:

The beginning of my life is interesting.

I am a new mathematics teacher in this school.

Notice that there are two example sentences above. Determiner that is used by the first sentence is the,

while used by the second sentence is a and this. Determiner have a position before the noun.

Is it only just determiner in English? Certainly not. There are a lot of things and I will mention here.

a, an, the

my, your, his, her, its, our, their, Whose
each, every
either, Neither
some, any, no
much, many; more, most
little, less, least
few, fewer, fewest
what, whatever; which, whichever
this, that, Reviews These, Reviews those,
both, half, all

EXAMPLE OF SENTENCES                  :

Some and Any can be used as a determiner and pronoun when the speaker can not mention the exact

number of a noun (noun) described or intended. Noun is countable or uncountable can.
Both are used with singular or plural verb depends noun that follows or replaces.
Terms of Use Some and Any
Although it has many similarities, some and any have also some rules for the use of each. We can use
some to discuss a limited number or amount (limited number), whereas for an unlimited any number or
amount (unlimited number). Some often used in a positive sentence (positive sentence)
[1], whereas the negative any sentence (negative sentences)
[2] and the question (questions)
[3]. However, any can be used in a positive sentence when "the real sense" of negative
 [4], while some can be used in the question on offering (offer)
[5] or requesting something (ask something)
[6].Some used when we expect the answer "yes" because we know that something exists (use some here
do not like the "real question" because it already knows the answer). In contrast to with any questions
that we really do not know the answer.
Examples   :
a.     Some people don’t enjoy quiz shows
Explaination       : when some means a part, we can use it in a negative sentences.
b.    You can choose any colour you like.
c.      Come any time. I’m always here.
Explaination       : when any means ‘it doesn’t’ matter which’,we can use it in positive sentences.
Examples   :
a.     There aren’t enough chairs.
b.    Is there enough room for all of us?
Explaination       : we can use enough with a plural or uncountable noun.


Definition of Article      :
A, an, the (articles) is a word that is used to limit the meaning of the noun (noun). Article or clothing said,
is divided into two kinds, namely: the definite and indefinite.

Definite Article    :

The is a word that is used in the definite article.

The terms used in the specific (or have been clearly explained earlier) include: person (persons), thing
(object), and the idea (thought).
This word is used before countable noun (noun can be calculated) or uncountable noun (a noun that can
not be calculated).

Definite Article "the" is used in the article that specific thing or that have been mentioned previously,

include people, objects, and ideas. This word is used before a noun countable or uncountable noun.
Indefinite article "a / an" is used in the article noun (noun) a nonspecific includes people (person) or
object or thing (thing). You mean "non-specific" is not referring to a person, object, or idea, but rather
refers to a person, thing, or idea in general. Otherwise applicable to the definite article.
Indefinite article used before singular countable only a noun (singular noun can be calculated).

Functions of Articles     :

the definite article is used when specified by the situation in which something is already clear.

the definite article is used as a noun and an adjective characterized readers understand the object in
the definite article is used when the noun is devoted by word, phrase, or clause.

the definite article is used when a noun is a common knowledge that the reader is already familiar with

what the author means.

Examples of Sentences :

a/an  :
a.     there’s a rat in the cellar.
Explaination       :
A rat means one rat. We use a/an only with a singular noun.

The   :
b.    The life of a hill farmer isn’t easy.
c.      The childen are playing in the garden.

Explaination       :When the meaning is more specific, we use the. We also often use the when there is a

phrase after the noun which makes the meaning more secific. We say life...(in general) but The Life of..
(a specific person or group of people).

Souce : - See more at 

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2015

Tugas 8 IBD Manusia dan Harapan

Nama   : Ponco aji pangestu   
Kelas   : 1EA32
NPM   : 18214458

(Manusia dan Harapan)

Pengertian Harapan 
 Setiap Manusia mempunyai Harapan. Manusia yang tanpa harapan, berarti manusia itu mati dalam hidup. Harapan tersebut tergantung pada pengetahuan, pengalaman, lingkungan hidup, dan kemampuan masing-masing. Berhasil atau tidaknya suatu Harapan tergantung pada usaha orang yang mempunyai harapan. Harapan harus berdasarkan kepercayaan baik kepercayaan pada diri sendiri, maupun kepercayaan kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Agar harapan terwujud, maka perlu usaha dengan sungguh-sungguh. Manusia wajib selalu berdoa. Karena usaha dan Doa merupakan sarana terkabulnya harapan.
 Harapan Berasal dari kata harapan yang berarti keinginan supaya sesuatu terjadi, sehingga harapan berarti sesuatu yang diinginkan dapat terjadi. Dengan demikian Harapan menyangkut Masa Depan. 

Contoh : 
·         Spectryani seorang Mahasiswi Teknik Informatika Gunadarma. ia Rajin Belajar dengan harapan didalam ujian semester mendapatkan angka yang Baik. amin
·         hadir seorang wiraswasta yang rajin. sejak mulai menggarap usahanya ia mempunyai harapan usahanya menjadi besar dan maju, ia yakin usahanya ia menjadi kenyataan, karena itu ia berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dengan usahanya.

Harapan dan Cita-cita mempunyai Persamaan yaitu :
·         Keduanya menyangkut Masa Depan karena belum Terwujud.
·         pada umumnya dengan Cita-Cita maupun Harapan orang menginginkan hal yang lebih baik atau meningkat.

Sebab Manusia Mempunyai Harapan 
ada 2 ha yang mendorong orang hidup bergaul dengan Manusia lain, yakni :
·         Dorongan Kodrat 
·         Dorongan kebutuhan Hidup
Menurut Abraham Maslow, kodratnya Harapan Manusia atau Kebutuhan Manusia itu ialah :
a. Kelangsungan Hidup ( Survival )
b. Keamanan ( Safety )
c. Hak dan Kewajiban mencintai dan Dicintai ( be loving and love )
d. Diakui Lingkungan ( status )
e. Perwujudan Cita-Cita ( Self Actualization )

Pengalaman pribadi, dalam harapan kedepannya
Dari menurut pribadi saya untuk harapan kedepannya itu dengan saya yang sedang menempuh di perguruan tinggi Universitas Gunadarma... yah dengan harapan saya bisa lulus dengan tepat waktu...dan dengan ipk yg saya harapkan... Amiiinnn .. dan begitu pun setelah lulus saya mendapatkan kerja yang sesuai sama keahlian saya, dan yg terakhir mempunyai keluarga baru... 

Sumber :

Tugas 7 IBD Manusia dan Kegelisahan

Nama   : Ponco aji pangestu
Kelas   : 1EA32
NPM   : 18214458

(Manusia dan Kegelisahan)

Pengertian Kegelisahan
Kegelisahan berasal dari kata gelisah yang beraru tidak tenteram hatinya selalu merasa khawatir , tidak tenang, tidak sabar, cemas. Sehingga kegelisahan merupakan hal yang menggambarkan seseorang tidak tentram hari maupun perbuatannya, merasa khawatir, tidak tenang dalam tingkah lakunya tidak sabar ataupun dalam kecemasa.
Kegelisahan hanya dapat diketahui dari gejala tingkah laku atau gerak gerik seseorang dalam situasi tertentu gejala tingkah laku atau gerak gerik tersebut muknya lain dari bisasanya mialnya berjalan mondar mandir dalam ruangan tertentu sambil menundukkannya kepadalnya memandang jauh kedepan sambil mengepalkan tangannya duduk termenung sambil memegang kepalanya duduk dengan wajah murung atau sayu, malas bicara dan lain lain
Kegelisahan merupakan salah satu ekspresi dari keemasan karena itu dalam kehidupn sehari hari, kegelisahan juga diartikan sebagai kecemasan kekhawatiran ataupunk ketakutan definisi dapat disebutkan, bahwa seseorang mengalami frustasi karena hal yang didingainkannya tidak tercapai.

Sebab-sebab Orang Gelisah
·         Gelisah terhadap dosa-dosa dan pelanggaran ( yang telah dilakukan )
·         Gelisah terhadap hasil kerja ( tidak memenuhi kepuasan spiritual )
·         Takut akan kehilangan milik ( harta dan jabatan )
·         Takut menghadapi keadaan masa depan ( yang tidak disukai )

Usaha-usaha Mengatasi Kegelisahan
Usaha-usaha yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mengatasi kegelisahan ini peratama-tama harus mulai dari diri kita sendiri terlebih dahulu, yaitu kita harus bersikap tenang. Dengan sikap tenang kita dapat berpikir tenang, sehingga kesulitan dapat kita atasi. Sedangkan cara yang paling ampuh untuk mengatasi kegelisahan adalah dengan berserah diri kepada Tuhan.

Keterasingan berasal dari kata terasing, dan kata itu dalah dari kata dasar terasing. Kata asing berarti sendiri, tidak dikenal orang, sehingga kata terasing berarti, tersisihkan dari pergaulan, terpisahkan dari yang lain atau terpencil. Jadi kata keterasingan berarti hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan tersisihkan dari pergaulan, terpencil atau terpisah dari yang lain. Penyebab orang berada dalam posisi terasingkan adalah perilakunya yang tidak dapat diterima atau tidak dapat dibenarkan oleh masyarakat atau kekurangan yang ada pada diri seseorang , sehingga ia dapat atau sulit menyesuaikan diri dalam masyarakat.

Pengalaman pribadi dalam KETERASINGAN
Kejadiannya saya merasa di terasingkan itu pas saya masih duduk di kelas 3 SD,
memang bisa di bilang tuh pas masih SD saya adalah anak yang di kenal selalu gak ada teman dengan maksut saya anak pendiam di banding yang lain, padahal banyak sekali yang sebaya sama saya yang saya liat di depan mata saya ... tetapi tidak tau kenapa satu pun yg mau mengajak saya bermain , yah walaupun saya pernah mendekati teman saya yg sedang bermain , tapi tetep saja saya merasa di terasingkan. Itu lah pengalaman saya...

Kesepian berasal dari kata sepi yang berarti sunyi atau lengang, sehingga kata kesepian berarti merasa sunyi atau lengang, tidak berteman. Setiap orang pernah mengalami kesepian. Karena kesepian bagian hidup manusia, lama rasa sepi itu bergantung kepada mental orang dan kasus penyebabnya.

Penyebab terjadinya kesepian
1.      Faktor Psikologis
Kesepian ini disebabkan oleh kenyataan adanya keterbatasan keberadaan manusia yang disebabkan oleh terpisahnya seseorang dengan orang-orang lain, sehingga tidaklah mungkin baginya untuk berbagi perasaan dan pengalamannya dengan orang lain.
2.      Pengalaman traumatis hilangnya orang-orang terdekat
Hilangnya seseorang yang sangat dekat dengan individu secara tiba-tiba tanpa bisa dihindari seringkali dianggap sebagai penyebab kesepian.
3.      Kurangnya dukungan dari orang lain
Kesepian dialami oleh mereka yang merasa tidak sesuai dengan lingkungannya. Mereka yang mengalami kesepian manganggap diri mereka sebagai orang yang diremehkan dan ditolak lingkungannya.

Pengertian ketidakpastian
Ketidakpastian adalah sebutan yang digunakan dengan berbagai cara di sejumlah bidang, termasuk filosofifisikastatistikaekonomikakeuanganasuransipsikologisosiologiteknik, dan ilmu pengetahuan informasi. Ketidakpastian berlaku pada perkiraan masa depan hingga pengukuran fisik yang sudah ada atau yang belum diketahui.

Contohnya, jika Anda tidak tahu apakah besok hujan, maka Anda mengalami ketidakpastian. Bila Anda menerapkan kemungkinan ini pada hasil memungkinkan yang menggunakan perkiraan cuaca atau penilaian kemungkinan terkalibrasi, Anda telah memperkirakan ketidakpastian.

Penyebab ketidakpastian
Orang yang pikirannya terganggu tidak dapat berpikir secara teratur, apalagi mengambil kesimpulan. Dalam berpikir, manusia selalu menerima rangsang-rangsang lain, sehingga jalan pikirannya menjadi kacau oleh rangsang-rangsang baru. Kalau toh ia dapat berpikir baik akan memakan waktu yang cukup lama dan sukar. Beberapa sebab orang tak dapat berpikir dengan pasti ialah:
·         Obsesi
Gejala neurosa jiwa, yaitu adanya pikiran atau perasaan tertentu yang terus-menerus, biasanya tentang hal-hal yang tak menyenangkan, atau sebab-sebabnya tak diketahui oleh penderita. Misalnya, selalu berpikir ada orang yang ingin menjatuhkan dia.
·         Phobia
Rasa ketakutan yang tak terkendali, tidak normal, kepada sesuatu hal atau kejadian tanpa diketahui sebab-sebabnya.
·         Kompulasi
Adanya keragu-raguan tentang apa yang telah dikerjakan, sehingga ada dorongan yang tak disadari melakukan perbuatan yang serupa berkali-kali.
·         Histeria
Neorosa jiwa yang disebabkan oleh tekanan mental, kekecewaan, pengalaman pahit yang menekan, kelemahan syaraf, tidak mampu menguasai diri, sugesti dari sikap orang lain.
·         Delusi
Pikiran yang tidak beres, karena berdasarkan suatu keyakinan palsu. Delusi ada tiga macam, yaitu:
A. Delusi persekusi: Menganggap keadaan sekitarnya jelek.
B. Delusi keagungan: Menganggap dirinya orang penting dan besar.
C. Delusi melancholis: Merasa dirinya bersalah, hina, dan berdosa.
·         Halusinasi
Khayalan yang terjadi tanpa rangsangan pancaindera. Halusinasi buatan, misalnya dapat dialami oleh orang mabuk atau pemakai obat bius. Kadang-kadang karena halusinasi, orang merasa mendapat tekanan-tekanan terhadap dorongan-dorongan dasarnya, sehingga dengan timbulnya halusinasi dorongan-dorongan itu menemukan sasarannya.
·         Keadaan emosi
Dalam keadaan tertentu seseorang sangat berpengaruh oleh emosinya. Ini nampak pada keseluruhan pribadinya, antara lain gangguan pada nafsu makan, pusing-pusing, muka merah, nadi cepat, keringat, tekanan darah tinggi/lemah. Sikapnya dapat apatis atau terlalu gembira dengan gerakan lari-larian, nyanyian, ketawa atau berbicara. Sikap ini dapat pula berupa kesedihan menekan, tidak bernafsu, tidak bersemangat, gelisah, resah, suka mengeluh, tidak mau berbicara, diam seribu bahasa, termenung, dan menyendiri.

Usaha untuk mengatasi ketidakpastian
Untuk dapat menyembuhkan keadaan itu tergantung kepada mental penderita. Andaikata penyebab sudah diketahui, kemungkinan juga tidak dapat sembuh. Bila hal itu terjadi, maka jalan yang paling baik bagi penderita ialah diajak atau pergi sendiri ke psikolog. Bila penyebabnya itu jelas, misalnya rindu, obatnya mudah, yaitu dipertemukan dengan orang yang dirindukan. Phobia atau jenis takut bisa dilatih dari sedikit, sehingga tidak takut lagi. Orang yang bersikap sombong atau angkuh,bila mengalami musibah baru berkurang kesombongannya, tetapi mungkin tidak. Andaikata mereka sadar, kesembuhan itu adalah karena pengalaman. Jadi yang menyembuhkan adalah masyarakat sekitarnya dan dirinya sendiri.

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