Minggu, 12 April 2015

Tugas 4 Softskill English 2# (Story)

Ponco aji pangestu

The story of the film 5cm

Genesis end of 2008 it happen again. Where once I hit syndrome Warriors PelanginyaIkal, Arai and friends up to 5 times watching it. Now, at the end of 2012 I kenasyndrome his 5cm Zafran, Riani, Genta, Arial and Ian. And my habit when again like at the movies or novels are looking for information, news news, references, reviews and other related and discuss the movie or novel. Happy wrote tastes read the writings of others with a variety of writing styles and opinions. There are those that give a flattering criticism.
Their right is actually created shed opinions, thoughts and hearts content, but sometimes sucks too if anyone give criticism without looking at the positive things that exist on the other side. Just as in the film these 5cm. When I read the reviews are positive, attractive and build, I will smile and laugh. But when there are reviews that are cornered, so join me upset. "Hello, little hargain why? Rarely there hloh Indonesian films are categorized as 'normal' or not use scenes, the mystery is not clear, sex or violence. Plus many stunning natural scenery shown in our Indonesia who may not have had the opportunity to see it in person "... ..mungkin their .Sabar perfectionist category hehe.
And if you saw the movie 5cm who explored the landscape of Indonesia, I remembered one of the Korean movie I've ever seen, the title "Haru: An Unforgettable Day In Korea" because the film explore the natural beauty of Korea, ranging from rice paddies in rural, island, until skyscraper buildings. The story of how? Please if interested andasearching and watch yourself hehehhehe. Return to movie 5 cm. Of the incoming criticism, some derived from nature lovers. Okey, I really have never climbed a mountain before, but my friends who have already done a lot and from their stories, it is true that this film makes an impression that mountain climbing look easy, even for the mountain that he was level 8 (Mahameru), The film is being dropped to the level 2 rating (he says). From here I took conclusion, oohh maybe they want more realsesuai what ever they feel. I was finally nodded, feeling somewhat understand the feelings of the lovers of nature and their disappointment (knowledgeably really yes I?). But yes please, go back to the beginning of the right of each person to judge a work of origin is not unheard of and do not cross the limits of reasonableness.
So now I want to discuss the film alone, plus side that makes me watch more than once (for Indonesian films is a feat! Because I do not carelessly watching local movies in theaters: P. Instead of nothing, just trauma wrote hehehehe). And if I've previously discussed between the novel and the film, now I want to talk about her love story. Ahem! The love story does not become the main in this film, but in my opinion, what is raised well done (not all of them anyway). If you are already watching this movie, the ending definitely know how? With so many of my friends are already watching, some are disappointed because of a twist ending (if I've not surprised because in the novel as well so). First time watching, I listened to the whole story at once clue-clue is in the film including the spectacular scenery that must be enjoyed! The second time I was more focused on the clue-cluenya (natural scenery does tetep) and the third one, I'm getting so observers acting aka mengamatigesture-gesture players that sometimes eluded hehehhee.
My friends who protest that says, "why does the Riani ended up the same and not the same Zafran Genta? The pity of the Genta? >. <". If you want I can answer simple, "if you do not match where the" or "in the novel so, so yes ngikutin wrote his novel, who wrote the script together like that to write his novel." But I'm sure the answer was not enough to satisfy them and even make me ditimpukin chips or snacks like Ian on the train. So I describe my observations.

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